Christina Rasmussen

Invisible Loss

“The entire world is silently grieving, attempting to process a form of heartbreak unlike anything we’ve ever experienced. We need a new language and road map for our invisible losses,”

– Christina Rasmussen

Now Available

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“Compared to most, my problems are small. I should be happy with what I’ve got.” Our inner judge often tells us grief is “allowed” for big losses, but that we should tough out everyday heartbreak. The loss of a loved one and a devastating divorce are likely to be accepted as grief events. But what about moments when we feel overlooked, disregarded, or misunderstood? This could look like rejection in the workplace, lack of intimacy in a relationship, being overlooked by friends, or working in a position that’s not a dream job. “These are losses society doesn’t recognize, mirror back to us, or validate,” says acclaimed grief educator Christina Rasmussen. “As a result, we don’t recognize or validate them either.”

This unacknowledged type of grief―invisible losses that are often labeled as not worthy of recognition―can be hard to define and may surface as feelings of anxiety, depression, angst, or restlessness. These are the moments when we shift perception of ourselves and can end up living in continuous survival mode, without really recognizing or understanding why.

In Invisible Loss, Rasmussen shines a light on this unrecognized form of grief. Because we avoid invisible loss, we don’t process it; instead, we seek the protection of an endless “waiting room” in the hope that time will heal our wounds. Here, Rasmussen helps you meet your loss, free from shame or guilt, to explore:

  • The origin of your invisible loss and how you’ve coped along the way
  • The five life reentry phases based on the Life Reentry® Model
  • Exercises to help you find your way out of the waiting room
  • Guidance in reframing your thoughts toward your original self

This guide gives you the tools you need in order to heal, move forward, and embrace the life you were meant to lead.

This guide gives you the tools you need in order to heal, move forward, and embrace the life you were meant to lead.

Pre-order Gifts

Pre-order from these great book sellers and then redeem your gift below.

Pre-order a single copy of Invisible Loss and receive The Conversation Starter Guide as a gift. This guide will empower you to confidently engage in difficult conversations with those who matter in your life. 

2 Copies

Pre-Order 2 copies of Invisible Loss – one for yourself and one for a close friend or family member. You will receive The Conversation Starter Guide and gain access to a private Facebook Group with Christina and other pre-order participants. 
In this private group, every week Christina will assist members to start thinking about their Invisible Losses with written prompts and interactive comments. She will also guide you further in starting to have these conversations and discovering the appropriate language to express your Invisible Losses. This group will be active only during the pre order window period which ends June 18th, 2024

10 Copies

Pre- Order 10 plus copies of Invisible Loss for your Group:  If you are a member of a support group or a book club and you purchase 10 or more copies of Invisible Loss, Christina will participate in a live Q&A session with your group. There are a total of five exclusive time slots available, which must be scheduled to occur specifically between September and November 2024.

Bulk Pre-order: If you are interested in pre-ordering more than 25 books please contact our team at 
